Increase your productivity and track your time with Timing app by Setapp Today

Isaac Agboola
2 min readAug 12, 2023


In the bustling realm of modern life, where time slips through our fingers like sand, three remarkable apps from Setapp emerge as guiding stars in the art of time management: Timing, Focus, and Be Focused.

Imagine having a personal time detective named Timing by your side, discreetly unraveling your day's activities. It records your digital footprints effortlessly, revealing where you invest your moments. With its illuminating reports, you discover patterns, the moments of triumph, and the pockets of inefficiency. Timing empowers you to reclaim lost time and master your schedule.

Create an account in Setapp, start your free trial and download Timing now

As distractions vie for your attention, the guardian known as Focus stands firm. It shields you from the labyrinth of tempting websites and applications, allowing your focus to flourish. Through tailored blocklists and scheduled breaks, Focus becomes your ally in navigating the sea of diversions. With motivational quotes by your side, you forge ahead undeterred, creating a haven for deep, meaningful work.

In the realm of work intervals and rejuvenating pauses, Be Focused is your unwavering guide. It introduces you to the Pomodoro Technique, a magical rhythm of intense focus and restful respites. As you set the cadence of work and break periods, you immerse yourself in a symphony of productivity. This app, like an ancient maestro, orchestrates your work, helping you find harmony in productivity.

In this tale of efficiency and empowerment, Timing, Focus, and Be Focused unite to help you reclaim your time, tame distractions, and unlock the secrets of your productivity. With them as your companions, you script your own legend of accomplishment and balance in the ever-evolving chronicles of life.

To get all these three apps in a package

Visit Setapp today and experience time management in it’s simplest



Isaac Agboola

I am a passionate programmer who writes about education, entertainment, my tech journey and the future of AI.